Features available

Before the meeting

  1. Configuration of the meeting

    More info here
  2. Waiting Room 


During the meeting

  1. Chat

    A chat room or instant messaging service, where people can type messages in real-time and engage in a conversation with others who are online.

    After the meeting, you will have the option to see what people wrote on the chat, everything will be saved.

    Recording 2023-04-13 at 13.26.33

  2. Important moments 

    Important moments can refer to key points, details, or information that are particularly significant and should be remembered or highlighted for future reference. Use this amazing feature to do it; just click on the icon.

    Recording 2023-04-13 at 13.37.02

  3. Agenda 

    Having an agenda during a meeting is important for clarifying objectives, managing time, maintaining focus and direction, enabling preparation, and ensuring accountability.

  4. Show or hide attendee list


  5. Show or hide chat

  6. Show or hide live transcriptions/subtitles 

  7. Live translation - set up a language


After the meeting 

  1. Boe 

    Boe can help you after the meeting to do these tasks :

    This option helps you to make something simple or understandable by providing additional information or details. 

    This tool gives you the meaning of the words or sentence 

    Expanding a text involves adding more detail, information, or content to increase its length and depth. 
    The added content should be relevant and contribute to the overall purpose and message of the text.

    To rewrite a text means to modify, alter or rephrase it in order to improve its clarity, coherence, or style. It involves changing the language, sentence structure, or organization of the text while retaining the core message or information.

    To shorten a text means to reduce its length by removing unnecessary or redundant information while retaining the essential content and meaning. It involves condensing or summarizing the text to make it more concise and easier to read or understand. 

    -Make bullet points:
    They are usually small, black circles or dots that are placed at the beginning of each point to draw the reader's attention to them. Bullet points are commonly used to break up dense text and to organize information in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read format.

    -More friendly 
    To make a text more friendly means to make it more approachable, engaging, and easy to read. The purpose of making a text more friendly is to create a positive impression and build rapport with the reader, while also conveying information effectively. A friendly text is more likely to be read and understood by the target audience, leading to greater engagement and impact.


You can find more information about Boe here