Frequently asked questions

What is SmartyMeet?

A platform of tools for automating processes.

You can use SmartyMeet to enhance video calls and create automated notes after the meeting.

Is SmartyMeet a CRM?

No, we are not a CRM but we integrated with HubSpot CRM.

Can SmartyMeet also be integrated with other CRMs like Salesforce?

Yes, integration with Salesforce and Zoho CRM is on our roadmap. 

Does SmartyMeet work on its own, like Zoom?

Yes, we can also be a standalone platform like Zoom, focusing more on Sales or HR calls.

Can I see examples of how SmartyMeet works?

Of course! You can be our Client. Try free trial.

Here is a link for registration:

Is SmartyMeet looking to integrate with all CRMs going forward?

Well, maybe not all, but a few more for sure :)

How does SmartyMeet benefit CRMs? 

Simple answer: SmartyMeet sync data after a call with your CRM system. No manual copy/paste of meeting logs. Our system does it for you + creates additional tasks and the next steps directly in CRM.

So Sales Reps or Customer Support can focus more on customers than on manual tasks like filling in the CRM data.

Does SmartyMeet record the entire meeting?

Yes, we record entire meetings with video and sound but we allow having "off-record" functionality. When you click it, the conversation is going to be a private one.

Regarding the reeve numbers and deal size. We are not keeping this data, but if you have it in CRM and allow us to do so, we can show it as additional information for you at the end of the call.

Does SmartyMeey write down everything happening during the meeting and translate languages?

Yes, we do transcription + translation: we auto-generate notes and the next steps. But You can still adjust it before syncing with CRM.

What types of companies can benefit from SmartyMeet's services?

Every video meeting is different and requires different tools to help the host and attendees.  That's why we are focusing right now on two separate sessions, Sales and HR but in the near features, we would like to add additional products.

What happens if someone does not have a CRM system? Can SmartyMeet provide services?

If you do not have a CRM, you can still use SmartyMeet integrated with your calendar or standalone and create a meeting directly from our platform.

Where will all the gathered information and data be if I don’t have a CRM?

The meeting notes will be stored on our platform, but we also give you a quick and easy way to remove them permanently.

Can a non-CRM user access all same perks as CRM users?

Non-CRM users will have limited options and missing customer activity data, for instance, plus no information about revenue or deals.

But still, no CRM user can see the benefits of automated notes and overcome language barriers on a call.

How long do the recordings of the meetings stay saved, and what happens later with all the information? 

The sales team uses it for quarterly reviews, so the default time is three months. After that, videos are moved to different storage layers (you need to ask to retrieve them), or you can delete them.

What will users of SmartyMeet be able to do better now that we've included generative AI?

Every meeting is different and requires various agendas. Generative AI assists us in obtaining the appropriate data by posing the right questions. For example, when addressing the "Decisions" section on our agenda, we can ask: "What are the key decisions made during the meeting?" This approach yields more comprehensive results compared to non-generative AI summarization methods.

Why does that improvement matter to our customers?

After the meeting, our notes were more structured and precise. By leveraging the power of generative AI, we can quickly analyze and summarize large amounts of information, identify important patterns and insights, and generate clear and well-structured notes that are easy to understand and act upon.

How does SmartyMeet handle the security and record-keeping of meeting details?

We take the security of our users' data very seriously, which is why we keep all of our data encrypted both at rest and in transit. 

Let me explain this in a simple way. When we say that we keep all our data encrypted both at rest and in transit, it's like we're keeping our data in a secret language that only we understand.

So, imagine you've got a super special secret message (our data) that you want to keep safe. When the message is just sitting there, not being sent anywhere (at rest), we make sure it's locked up in a secret code. This way, even if someone sneaks a peek, they won't be able to understand it.

Now, when we send that message from one place to another (in transit), we don't want anyone to intercept it and read our secrets. So, we also use our secret code when we send messages. This way, it's protected during its journey, too! In a nutshell, we always keep our data safe by locking it up in a secret code, no matter if it's just sitting there or if it's traveling from one place to another. This helps keep your information secure and private. We also offer an option for off-the-record conversations, so you can have confidential discussions without worrying about any recordings being saved. 

In a meeting, you can turn a feature on or off to control whether your video and words are recorded. This helps protect your privacy and keeps sensitive info secure. Turn on "off-record mode" to stop recording, and turn it off when not needed.

After 3 months, we transfer the recording and transcript to an archive, but notes are still available in the system.  If you would like to access the archived data, just reach out to us directly, and we'll be happy to help you out. And after 6 months, we permanently delete the recording and transcript in the archive to ensure that your information is protected. But that's not all! As the administrator of your client account, you have the power to directly delete any meeting if you ever need to. So you can rest assured that your data is always in good hands with SmartyMeet.